VIGILANCE is an intimate visually compelling installation from Peter Kyle Dance evolving from Kyle’s yearlong choreographic investigations with visual artist Caleb Nussear into the malleability of form. Three dancers, one percussionist and kinetic sculptures converge in a dynamic hourlong theatrical performance exploring immediacy, frailty, strength and the phenomenon of attention.
Watch the trailer for VIGILANCE by clicking HERE.
Watch the full length recording of VIGILANCE by clicking HERE.
Choreographed by Peter Kyle
Danced by Marielis Garcia, Harrison Holmes, Leigh Lotocki
Music by Brad Wentworth (live)
Sculpture by Caleb Nussear
Costumes by Garo Sparo
Lighting by Andrew Dickerson
VIGILANCE premiered November 6-8, 2015 at Triskelion Arts’ Muriel Schulman Theater in Brooklyn, NY